Releasing and Forgiveness

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Religious Romance, Spiritual Satisfaction, Holy Love at Big Church
Sample Visualization
Visualize a white balloon. Instead of air, fill it with all people, places, things, or events that trouble you from past or present situations, including your fears of the future. Bless each as you put it into the balloon watching the balloon inflate as if filling it with air. After all conscious negativity is out of your mind and into the balloon, tie it off with a brown string. Hold onto the brown string feeling the tension in it. This tension represents the conflict of your wanting to let go yet your unwillingness to do so. Next, visualize and feel yourself letting go of the balloon. Watch it float off into the sky until it disappears. Empower the vision with this thought: "I forgive and release all negativity from my mind. They are gone forever and I cannot take them back." Know that God takes care of and purges these burdens for you.

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Religious Romance, Spiritual Satisfaction, Holy Love at Big Church