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Spiritual Healing

What fear can exist when everything is put into the loving hands of God?  In the New Testament of the Bible [Luke 24:1-3], the symbolism of the Resurrection is represented by the rolling of the stone away from the cave - the removal of old thoughts (physical) for a new life (spiritual).  The Search for Truth is a Journey towards God.  Heaven CAN be on Earth; this is part of our trial: To live and express the truth of our existence as each individual divine spark.  When you pray to God, know that the answer already exists: 'So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours' [Mark 11:24, New Testament]."

World Spirit LogoThis world should be a healthier, richer, space-age civilization based on true freedom and life-positive values, yet we find ourselves trapped in a parody becoming more decadent because of powerful self interests. You were not alone when you came here. This site is the gathering of hopes, dreams, and links to a brighter future. You are part of the World Spirit. Please right click and save the world spirit logo. This symbol represents the combined power of every soul who sides with God.

This site is not here to change your way of thinking.  Your way of thinking is what brought you here.  I do not intend to tell you what you need or change your way of life; you already know what you need and ONLY YOU can change your way of life.

As Isaiah confesses his own sinfulness, one of the seraphims takes a live coal from the alter and touches the lips of Isaiah.� The alter of sacrifice looked forward to the cross as judgment burned itself out on the offering.� Christ once and for all offered Himself as our sacrifice for sin.� As the coals touched Isaiahs lips, he heard those words, Thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged.� The response from Isaiah was immediate when he heard the voice of God saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?� Notice carefully the word "us," for this refers to the trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.� Isaiah cries out, Here am I, send me.� The key here is those who follow the call of God must do so voluntarily.� I challenge you to willingly serve God, for He accepts no one but those who serve from a willing heart.

The prophets commission is found in Isaiah verse 9-10.� Isaiah had a heart breaking task ahead of him as he knew they would hear but would not understand.� They would not respond to Gods message and thus would find themselves spiritually blind and deaf.� When a person or nation turns their back on God, the heart becomes callous and hard to the point where there is no return or cure.� In Genesis 6:3 we read, The Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man.� This is not a message the people of Isaiahs day wanted to hear and not one that is preached in our generation.� The result of turning away is callousness, and leads to the land being devastated and the people being removed.� The penalty of sin is total devastation to a person individually and a nation collectively.

"You shall therefore keep all My statutes and all My ordinances and do them, that the land where I am bringing you to dwell may not vomit you out as it did those before you." [Leviticus 20:22]
"God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."[Galatians 6:7]

This chapter ends on a note of hope, the Holy seed is her substance.� In the mist of gloom and disaster as the result of sin, God always has a people.� In this instance, a tenth will return and become seed for future glory.� This doctrine of the Holy Seed is at the very heart of Isaiahs message.� Out of all the trouble will come a faithful remnant.� Out of this Holy Seed came the means by which our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ would come to earth as a baby, and in His position as Immanuel give His life for all of mankind.� As a result of the Holy Seed, Israel has a great future when the Messiah shall sit on the throne of David and rule over the whole earth as King.� For at the end of this book, we shall see the message, and I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying, [Isaiah 65:19].

The real difference is in what you know.  What you know can protect you - and improve your life. Knowledge is Power.

HealingMindN delivers consumer reports on world issues. In life issues, we report on research by people who develop healing energy technology such as Wilhelm Reich, Ruth Drown, and Royal Raymond Rife. We have prayed for advanced healing by putting forth our best minds: "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" [Matthew 21:22]. Rid yourself of malady and get healthy with space age medicine. You have a human right to be well using innovative technologies like Ozone Therapy, Drown Radionics, or a Rife Plasma Wave Device. These innovations in discovery and technology act as a space-age prophylaxis against disease as a life issue. Be Established in the fact that God will never leave you nor forsake you when you want your lessons revealed for a healthier world: 'Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.' [Isaiah 41:10]

In ten to twenty years global economic chaos will begin due to demand far exceeding the supply of oil and environmental decay becomes exponential and catastrophic. In ten to twenty years world oil shortages, exorbitant costs and geopolitical competition in the form of war for resources will cause a melt-down in the world's economy and political structure - Instead of pollution and destruction, we should be living in a truly space age society where there is NO pollution, where the earth is not despoiled by drilling and oil spills. Instead we can have the super efficient, clean air technology that God meant for all his children to have, so we can be a self-sufficient people. Super efficient energy systems exist which work with the forces of nature; they can be used to power cars, houses, businesses, factories, to irrigate arid lands through weather control, to bring much needed power to remote areas, and to eliminate the need for oil and coal to replace it with a far more advanced, far less dangerous industry. It's time to improve our lives with "free energy". Ask for a Greater existence in Jesus' name in absolute faith; the more interest that people show for super efficient energy technology, the more likely that industry will provide: 'All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.' [Matthew 28:18] A spiritually advanced people are also a technologically advanced people who reach for truth through science provided by God in every aspect of their lives: 'Verily, Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you.' [John 16:23]

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 put the power of coining money and its issuance in the hands of a private organization that constantly drains money from the system: 'The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high- and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him- he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail' [Deuteronomy 28: 44-45] - What would happen if there were no draining of currency from the system through usury?.. There would be enough money in the system to support the work force... What if the constitutional power of coining money was returned to congress? What if the U.S. dollar was debt-free again? What if the U.S. national debt and poverty was eliminated?... EVERYONE WOULD PROSPER. 'The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil' [1 Timothy 6: 10]. 'Unto thy brother thou shalt NOT lend upon usury: That the Lord thy God may bless thee.' [Deuteronomy 23:20]... What if we heeded God's Word in restoring our economy? Discover how we can be free from economic conquest. Do not fear the mega power culprits of society when you live and speak for the truth '...If God be for us, who can be against us?' [Romans 8:31] Never fear the strength or power of adversaries. They are only human like yourself. David said: 'The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?' [Psalm 27:1]

Seven planets in the Universe:
   Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.

Seven Days in the Year:
   The seven days of the week.

Seven gates in the Soul, male and female:
   Two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and the mouth.

Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT 
With them were engraved

   Seven Universes, seven firmaments,
   Seven lands, seven seas,
   seven rivers, seven deserts,
   seven days, seven weeks,
   seven years, seven sabbaticals,
   seven jubilees,
   and the Holy Palace.
Therefore, He made sevens beloved
under all the heavens.
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