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Poachers Killing Too Many Tigers
Authorities in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have registered a nearly 20% fall in the number of tigers sighted in its sanctuaries...

More Wars against Wildlife

"Reparations" for Iraqi Attacks...
The United Nations panel overseeing compensation for victims of Iraq`s 1990 invasion of Kuwait has approved its final claims, bringing the total award to $52.5 billion,.. {See the real purpose of multi-national reparations at Billions for Bankers...}

Deforestation in Borneo
The lowland tropical rain forests in Indonesian Borneo could disappear in five years due to rampant logging and forest fires, endangering the survival of many exotic species,..

2.47 acres of rain forest are destroyed each second, 214,000 each day, and 78 million each year: Help save the Rain Forests with a few clicks! No Cost to You!

Seedy AIDS Report
For the first time since the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, more than 1 million Americans are believed to be living with the virus that causes the disease, the US government said yesterday....{See report, AZT Not a Rational Drug}

Protecting the Antarctic Tundra
The Antarctic`s environment will be protected by new rules forcing polluters to clean up any contamination after 45 nations reached agreement in Stockholm this week. Sweden, hosting a 45-nation Antarctic Treaty meeting, pushed for companies and organisations to be made liable if they cause an oil spill or other environmental disaster in the world`s fifth-largest continent...

Energy Gene Found - Scientists decode DNA of bacterium that cleans up uranium contamination and generates electricity - (ScienceBlog; Dec. 11, 2003)
Nuclear Solutions Lost In Ambiguity - Two solutions for nuclear waste that give us alternative viable energy; a portable nuclear weapons detection system since 1999; blackmail and extortion; another dead scientist and the closing of the National Lab in Los Alamos. (The Blanket; Aug. 26)
The utilization of gamma energy has been proposed to remediate nuclear waste.

The American Republic's Kyoto Response
Mayors from across the United States are signing up to an initiative to get American cities to meet the US`s Kyoto environmental target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 7% by 2010 that President Bush has repudiated... 

Help Save the oceans for free

Cartagena Protocol Status
China, one of the world`s largest importers of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), announced that it has ratified the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,..

(See Monsanto's Genetically Modified Seeds Threaten World Production)

150 Year Time Limit to Improve Children`s Health
The World Health Organization has revealed that United Nations Millennium Development Goals to improve children�s health in poor countries will take at least 150 years to achieve instead of their closer target of 2015...

Arctic Council Fears Global Warming from?...
Indigenous leaders from Arctic regions around the world called on the European Union last week to do more to fight global warming and to consider giving aid to their peoples... {Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption The Sun sent off an M-Class flare on May 28th from sunspot region 767 with a following CME that was Earth directed. So today, and right on schedule within 48 to 72 hours, we are under a severe geomagnetic storm..}

Is this just a break from logging rainforests?
Brazil's government has announced estimates suggesting that deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has fallen by 50% this year...

2.47 acres of rain forest are destroyed each second, 214,000 each day, and 
78 million each year.

Help save the Rain Forests in a click! No Cost to You!

Cutting Edge Newsletters
{The Pharmaceutical Coverup}

Find out why politicians love to spend the People's Money and put their country into debt...


Born on: September 25, 1998

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The Logic and Emotion at the Heart of HealingMindN

The domain name of this site is based in numerology, but, please understand, that I do not worship nor hold reverence for numbers, specific dates, or any type of gematria (such as the illuminati). God provides our understanding of this symbolic structure with science, so can research the nature of the universe.

777 is a popular gematria from the bible which represents holy scripture as you should have witnessed from the index page; it also represents the father, son, and holy ghost through Pythagorean reduction (7+7+7 = 21 Þ 2+1 = 3: the Holy Trinity).

We can also derive numerological values from the alphabet. There are far more correlations between ancient alphabets and numbers, but here we can use an Arabic system which is better compared to the English alphabet:

All words such as names have numerological values which resonate with different frequencies of any particular point in the universe. For instance, when we do a Pythagorean Reduction of the values of the letters in the word "health" we have:
H = 8
E = 5
A = 1
L = 3
T = 2
H = 8
   = 27 Þ 2+7 = 9: As in the number system "9" represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. By the same token "Health" represents transition towards wellness. Even the idea of staying healthy represents proper circulation in the living body. Proper circulation within a living body also represents transition and balance like the yin yang symbol (yin yang symbol). Therefore, one interpretation of "HealingMindN" could be "Proper Circulation of the Holy Trinity." Another one could be "Balance through the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." The final interpretation is really up to you.

Some people think of gematrian numbers as proof of God because of their synchronicity with real world events. For me, that's too much reverence for numbers and left-brained thinking. The interpretation of God lies within our minds and the sychronicity of our lives with each other - just as you found this site. The proof of the existence of God lies within our souls... our feelings... and our hearts. Proof of God is in Our Love for God's Creation.

Breaking News -- Terri Schiavo

Judicial Panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has just denied the family's urgent request to order Terri Schiavo's feeding tube reinserted. Urgent appeal is now being made to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has already refused to hear the case. (March 23, 2005)

NEWS BRIEF: "Federal Appeals Court Denies Request to Have Terri Schiavo's Feeding Tube Reinserted", by Errin Haines Associated Press Writer, AP Breaking News, March 23, 2005

"ATLANTA (AP) - A federal appeals court refused early Wednesday to order the reinsertion of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, denying the latest emergency request by the severely brain-damaged woman's parents to keep her alive. A panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals said in a 2-1 ruling that the parents 'failed to demonstrate a substantial case on the merits of any of their claims'."

Extreme advocates of Adult Euthanasia could not have dreamed of such an excellent scenario by which to implement government euthanasia of "devalued persons" as the one unfolding in our Daily News right now. Consider the facts:

1. After years of wrangling, a Florida judge ruled that the feeding tube sustaining Terri's life be removed.

2. Republican Congressmen and Senators immediately draft legislation allowing Terri's case to be heard by a Federal Judge. Note that this legislation does NOT force the feeding tube to be reinstated, but only allows the case to be heard by a Federal Judge. Many people are misunderstanding this fact.

3. President Bush flies from his Crawford Ranch White House to Washington, D.C., so he can immediately sign this bill once Congress passes it, which they did just after midnight, early Monday morning. The President signed this legislation at 1:11 AM.

4. Now, the issue is at the Federal level, a most remarkable turn of events. Normally, a state issue remains a state issue. But, now that the issue has been driven to the Federal level, the decision by Federal courts will become the new law of the land. Is unwilling Adult Euthanasia by the Federal Government about to become as codified as Roe vs Wade?

5. On early Wednesday, March 23, the panel of the 11th Federal Appeals Court issued its ruling, also refusing to force the feeding tube to be reinstated. They remarkably ignored much physical and expert testimony, concluding that the family did not prove their case that Terri was not in a state known as "Persistant Vegetative State (PVS)". The court concluded that she was in PVS, and therefore, deserved to die. She was living a "life unworthy of life".

6. An urgent appeal is now being made to the U.S. Supreme Court to save Terri's life. Should this court rule that Terri should die, forced Adult Euthanasia will become as much the law of the land as did Roe vs Wade!

Cutting Edge has been chronicling America's road to forced government euthanasia for over a decade now. We are not surprised by this turn of events, for this end of the road was very visible ten years ago. America's culture has been increasingly a "Culture of Death" ever since Rock-n-Roll Music turned into hard rock Satanism in the early 1970's. This development is just the latest inevitable result.

The discerning, informed citizen and student of modern history will recognize that America is far down that "slippery slope" of genocide against any and all "devalued citizens", a strong and persistent parallel to the Nazi personal genocide. Study the history of Hitler's genocide against all manner of "devalued" people, and you will see the truth of our statements that this nation is on the same path, and only a short time from reaching the same end. Hitler's genocide murdered 6 million Jews and 12 million other devalued persons.

This case carries much greater weight than just the life of Terri Schiavo; a national tragedy looms.

A Federal Judge has just refused to order the feeding tube for Terri Schiavo reinserted! (March 22, 2005)

NEWS BRIEF: "Judge Rejects Schiavo Appeal", Fox News, March 22, 2005

"TAMPA, Fla. A federal judge early Tuesday morning refused to order the reinsertion of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, leaving the fate of the severely brain-damaged Florida woman unresolved. U.S. District Judge James Whittemore said the 41-year-old woman's parents had not established a 'substantial likelihood of success' at trial on the merits of their arguments."

Let us stop right here to examine what we have just learned:

1. In our original newsletter, posted Sunday evening (March 20), we expressed grave doubt as to whether the actions by Congress and the President would actually save Terri's life. Since the US Supreme Court originally ruled to establish Abortion On Demand (Roe vs Wade), Federal Judges have consistently acted to keep our burgeoning "Culture of Death" alive, well, and growing. Therefore, it makes no sense to place faith in a Federal Judge to take an action which would actually reduce this deathmaking. Once again, it seemed to us that President Bush and Congressional leaders were taking an action they knew would be likely to fail -- but at least their Christian, Conservative supporters would give them credit for trying!

2. The basis upon which Judge Whittemore made his decision is absolutely antichristian! Since when does a moral decision hang upon whether the action will be effective? A moral decision is taken upon Biblical principles -- period! This line of reasoning shows the pagan mindset of these Federal judges!

Now, let us continue with this feature article: You will see several instances of an "11" present in this story.

"Rex Sparklin, an attorney with the law firm representing the Schindlers, said lawyers were appealing to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta to 'save Terri's life'." (Ibid.)

As we have noted so many times before, occultists believe that a good plan may fail unless it is carried out according to the proper "sacred numbers". The ultimate number noted since the attacks of 9/11 has been the "11", since it denotes the coming Masonic Christ (NEWS1756).

In this story, above, we realize that the state in which this case is being heard is covered by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. But, there is another "11" in this equation. Listen:

"President Bush signed Terri Schiavo bill into law at 1:11 AM ET"

We have reported that President Bush flew from his Texas ranch to be on hand to immediately sign the legislation which Congress passed shortly after Midnight, Monday, March 21. That he would wait to precisely sign the bill at 1:11 AM is just startling.

Another "11" is apparent also in the date on which this Federal judge made his decison: March 22. The number "22" is sacred to the occultist because it is (11x2).

This event is taking on an occult numeric signature. But, why should we be too surprised? This judicial confrontation -- if higher courts uphold this judge's decision -- simply legally establishes that America's Death Culture can now kill people against their will and against the will of their family members. The planned Holocaust against the devalued, the innocent, and the afflicted can now move forward.

The last matter you must understand is that America's "Culture of Death" has been forming for the past two decades. Our nation did not just wake up several mornings ago to discover that there are many people who believe that other people like Terri Schiavo have "no right to live anymore," and may be put to death. Rather, this attitude has been quietly present in our medical establishment since the 1980's and has been quietly spreading outward throughout our society, infecting regular citizens.

Cutting Edge uniquely carries a manuscript detailing this quiet deathmaking in our medical establishments, the only book which Dr. Wolfensberger could not get published! This manuscript is entitled, "The New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People". A Holocaust survivor and trainer of nurses to work with Handicapped people at Syracuse University, Dr. Wolfensberger is in a unique position to document that American hospitals and senior care facilities are killing more people than Adolf Hitler ever did -- and has been doing so for two full decades!

If you want to understand what is happening to Terri Schiavo, you must understand the historical context. This manuscript is the only resource on the market which informs you why America has now reached the point where a person like Terri can see her life snuffed out by order of a federal government.

Can you hear the footsteps of Antichrist getting closer? A new American Holocaust may now be getting underway.


As the Florida judicial branch ruled that Terri Schiavo's feeding tube be removed, America's "Love of Death" dance continues and broadens -- the life of Terri Schiavo's life literally hangs in the balance.

"... all who hate me love and court death." [Proverbs 8:36b; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]

NEWS BRIEF: "Doctors Remove Terri Schiavo's Feeding Tube After Last-Ditch Congressional Effort Fails", AP Breaking News, March 18, 2005

"PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) - With a furious legal and political battle raging outside her hospice room, doctors removed Terri Schiavo's feeding tube Friday after an unprecedented attempt by Congress to keep the brain-damaged woman alive was rebuffed .... The move came after Republicans on Capitol Hill used their subpoena power to try demand that Schiavo be brought before a congressional hearing, saying removing the tube amounted to 'barbarism'. The attorney for Schiavo's husband shot back at a news conference, calling the subpoenas 'nothing short of thuggery'... The judge presiding over the case ruled in the husband's favor early Friday afternoon and rejected the request from House attorneys to delay the removal, which he had previously ordered to take place at 1 p.m. EST."

The US Supreme Court had earlier refused to hear this case, while the state legislature had locked horns over this contentious case.

Cutting Edge has been reporting for nearly 10 years now that, as America moves more closely to the beliefs of the Evil One, our society will move closer to the place where her people and her leaders will "love and court death". We are getting very close to the place where our local, state, and federal governments will soon be "killing for the good of society", just as Adolf Hitler did shortly after taking office in 1933. This case of Terri Schiavo means much more than the killing of one person; her death could open the legal flood gates, allowing a new Holocaust to flood this land, legalizing Adult Euthanasia just as Roe vs Wade legalized Abortion on Demand.

Adult Euthanasia advocates in this country are vociferously pushing their agenda of death-on-demand in this country, shrouding their efforts in the most admirably sounding words in the English language. They call people who want to kill themselves, as 'noble', 'courageous', 'compassionate', people who simply want to 'control' their final exit. Euthanasia advocates also vociferously deny that their Adult Euthanasia plan might possibly degenerate into killing people who are not terminally ill, or who do not want to die. And, such advocates deny most vehemently any suggestion that Adult Euthanasia might follow a parallel path of Nazi Germany!

To listen to Terri's loved ones, they uniformly state that Terri most surely would not want to be put to death, that she never expressed that desire to them. Only the husband wants her to die -- probably so he can collect on the insurance policy and gain all assets of their marriage.

The spiritually discerning will understand that this battle goes very far beyond the merits of just Terri Schiavo. At stake here is to gain the legal right to kill people at the mature and elderly end of the age spectrum just as freely as our society is now legally murdering babies at the other end of the spectrum. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived at this point.

Not only are our hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice centers now killing patients (Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger, "New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People"), the floodgates now preventing wholesale adult euthanasia will really open wide if euthanasia advocates win firm and widespread legal support and protection for killing those who have "lost the quality of life".

In fact, experience in The Netherlands reveals that, once doctors are given the right to kill, euthanasia will go inexorably out of control because there are no truly binding limits once society gives doctors this legal right ("Death In The Netherlands: Dutch Doctors Kill Defective Children With Impunity", by Nat Hentoff, The Village Voice, February 18, 1997, p. 20)

Furthermore, parents in The Netherlands began to show hardened sensibilities toward children who are "problematic". Going back to our featured article, we learn:

"Dr. Fenigsen tells of a Dutch three-year-old who had spina bifida, but was otherwise in 'fair general condition'. For two days, he did not feel quite well and his parents asked for euthanasia. One nurse, appalled, opposed the decision and she and her husband offered to adopt the child. The offer was turned down. The boy was killed by physicians 'with drugs administered with intravenous drip'." (Ibid.)

Now, get this unbelievable twist: the nurse who tried to adopt the boy was officially reprimanded! Can you imagine parents wanting to kill their boy because he had spina bifida and was sick for a short while? Parents of "devalued children" also suffered a loss of compassion -- aided and abetted by a legal system which suddenly said it was all right to euthanize your "problematic" child. Listen:

"Dr. Fenigsen worries about the long-term effect of the permissive attitude in the Netherlands toward euthanasia for people with disabilities. There seems to be little tolerance for disabled children and the parents who raise them. In fact, Professor J. Stolk, a specialist in mental retardation at the Free University in Amsterdam, has documented cases where parents of disabled children are rebuked. For example, parents have heard statements such as,

'What? Is that child still alive? How can one love such a child?'
'Nowadays, such a being need not be born at all'.
'Such a thing should have been given an injection'." (Ibid)

love and court deathParents in The Netherlands are not intrinsically more evil than American parents; that country is simply further down the slippery slope toward Holocaust than America. Do not be deceived; this is the slippery slope on which America finds itself. The Terri Schiavo case is merely the major case which may establish permanently that our legal system now has the right to kill people whom others have decided should be killed. During Nazi Germany's slide down that slope, the first step was to kill people only on the authority of loved ones, or 'living will" type of documents; step two said that doctors and loved ones could make that decision, even if the victim did not state their willingness to be put to death under certain circumstances; step three saw other people outside the family and the medical profession make that decision; step four saw the Federal Government of Hitler step in to make that decision.

love and court deathAmerica stands at Step Three right now. Step Four beckons -- probably when Antichrist shall begin his planned 7-year "Cleansing of the Earth". This case demonstrates that the world is edging closer to the appearance of Antichrist.

love and court deathHowever, are you aware that American hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice providers have been quietly killing patients for a very long time now? Former Holocaust survivor, Wolf Wolfensberger, now Director of Training For The Handicapped in Syracuse University, wrote a book which he could not get published. It is called, "The New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People", and details the fact that, in sheer numbers, American hospitals and senior care facilities are killing more people than Adolf Hitler ever did, and for the same New World Order reasons. We carry his manuscript and urge you to read this book, for your understanding of the Terri Schiavo case will deepen and broaden!

III. The US Congress discovered a way to intervene in this "Right-To-Die" Schiavo case: Legislation is being rushed through which would force the "death ruling" of the Florida judge to be reviewed by a Federal Court. President Bush flies to Washington, D.C., to be in position to sign the legislation the minute it is approved.

NEWS BRIEF: "Congress Announces Deal in Schiavo Case", My Way News, March 20, 2005

"Congressional leaders announced a compromise between Senate and House Republicans that would allow the brain-damaged woman's case to be reviewed by federal courts that could restore her feeding tube. Opposition waned after House leaders agreed to give up broader legislation and accept a narrowly crafted bill that applied only to Schiavo's case. The plan is for the House to act on the two-page bill Sunday or just after midnight Monday morning. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said the Senate then would act on the House legislation, assuming it passes the House as envisioned, and rush the bill to the president for signature into law. President Bush changed his schedule to return to Washington from his Texas ranch on Sunday to be on hand to sign the legislation."

Cutting Edge has been following this national effort to legalize Adult Euthanasia for nearly a decade now. While we certainly hope and pray that Terri's life will be spared, we recognize that the issue is much broader than Terri: literally, the fate of potentially millions of future "devalued, handicapped" people like Terri hangs in the balance. The Illuminati plans to reduce the population of the earth by 66%, or four billion people; but if the Georgia Guidestones truly represent the bottom-line plan (Megiddo Two Video: DVD, then the plan ultimately envisions that only 500 million people will be left alive. The judgments in the Book of Revelation foretell that 66% of the population will die under God's judgments.

Nevertheless, the focus right now is on the life of Terri Schiavo, as it should be. Christians all around the world, but especially in America, need to focus our prayers and our efforts on the saving of this innocent woman's life. The "slippery slope" of Adult Euthanasia is a terrible one, as our write-up in Paragraph 2, above, illustrates.

March 24th, or early March 25th, the Congress plans to pass legislation which would allow federal court intervention into the case. President Bush is flying to the Capitol today to be present to sign the legislation. These dramatic theatrics will go a long ways to placating the President's vocal "Right Wing Christian" supporters.

However, will this action really save Terri's life? Federal Courts have consistently voted to expand the radical, anti-Christian agenda of the Illuminati, so it is doubtful that her life will be saved in the long run; we would like very much to be proven wrong here, but this effort to legalize Adult Euthanasia worldwide has been going on for nearly two decades now. This dramatic "Dialectic Struggle" between the State of Florida Judiciary on the one hand and a Republican Congress and White House on the other, may just be the final chapter of this terrible effort to legalize the killing of adult human beings.

Whatever the outcome of this climactic battle, please do not think that this effort by Senator Frist and President Bush means that they are Born Again Christians. As we have noted before, Senator Frist is a major stockholder in his family's pro-abortion hospital, and President Bush's spiritual fruits continue to prove his true spiritual nature.

12 year old Gabriel Keys under arrest for trying to save Terri Shiavo's LifeThis picture is the story of the extent of moral collapse in America today over the encroaching "Death Culture".

NEWS BRIEF: "Another person arrested trying to hydrate Terri: A child this time", Yahoo News, March 23, 2005

"Gabriel Keys (foreground) is arrested by police officers for trespassing in Pinellas Park, Florida, March 23, 2005. The young protester attempted to take a glass of water into the Woodside Hospice for the brain-damaged Terri Schiavo. A federal judge rejected a request from the parents of Schiavo to order her feeding tube reinserted."

This picture succinctly captured the essence of the moral collapse in America today. When policemen will handcuff a young boy as we see here, carting him off in a police wagon to jail, for his "crime" of trying to take a glass of water into the human being, Terri Schiavo, our collapse is frighteningly close.

What did Jesus say about giving a glass of cold water?

"And whoever gives to one of these little ones [in rank or influence] even a cup of cold water because he is My disciple, surely I declare to you, he shall not lose his reward." [Matthew 10:42; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]

If ever there was a person "little in rank or influence", it is Terri Schiavo. Truly, this young boy is to be commended for his example of courage and boldness as he tried to give a cup of cold water to Terri.

Can you see America's national sins piling up, even to Heaven?

"I then heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues. For her iniquities (her crimes and transgressions) are piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her wickedness and her crimes and calls them up for settlement. [Revelation 18:4-5; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]

Not only can I see America's sins piled up high to heaven, I can hear the hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

Rev. David Bay

Please read 'MONEY FOR PEACE? NO! MONEY FOR WAR? YES!' at "Billions for Bankers, Debts for the People." Decide who is really responsible since 9/11/01 has led to war.

Was the massacre of 9/11 a repeat of history from more than a century ago - an indicator that "civilized" human culture is not learning from its mistakes? Decide for yourself - click here.

9-11-01 Synopsis on the "Brilliantly" engineered collapse of the WTC.


2.47 acres of rain forest are destroyed each second, 214,000 each day, and 
78 million each year.

Help save the Rain Forests in a click! No Cost to You!

the Declaration of Independence describes life as something that is "inalienable"--a right so fundamental that it cannot be given away even voluntarily. The principal author of the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson, wrote in 1809 that "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

U.S./World Propaganda


National UK Propaganda

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